Time to apply the lessons learned from Q-SYS Training Level 1 directly to real world cinema scenarios! This live course is framed around building a modern cinema design that is ready to implement in real-world applications with the ability to modify as needed. These courses are intentionally kept very small to allow our training staff plenty of time for live Q&A and proof of concepts. The class concludes with a comprehensive exit exam drawn from real application scenarios.
Wählen Sie im folgenden Schulungsplan einen passenden Termin oder fragen Sie ein Training in Ihrer Region an.
- Build and understand all elements of a functional cinema Q-SYS design
- Learn to modify the approved Q-SYS cinema template
- Setup a hot-swappable amplifier scenario for quick replacement
- Review a Dolby Atmos setup
- Build a user control interface specifically for a multiplex theater
- Voraussetzungen: Q-SYS Level 1 Zertifizierung
- Dauer: 16 Stunden
- Kosten: Gratis!
- 8 (nach bestandener Abschlussprüfung)
Bevorstehende Veranstaltungen
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DATUM:August 24th, 2048
UHRZEIT:05:51am - 05:51am
TIMEZONE:India Standard Time
6 Seats Left
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