Gain Wizard

TouchMix Training : Gain Wizard

1 ) TouchMix Introduction

2m 3s

2 ) Mixer Navigation

3m 16s

3 ) Simple vs. Advanced Mode

2m 37s

4 ) Preset Libraries

5m 39s

5 ) FX Wizard

5m 59s

6 ) Advanced Effects

4m 16s

7 ) Gain Wizard

3m 8s

8 ) Recording Functions

7m 15s

9 ) Adv. Recording & Playback

7m 15s

10 ) Updating Firmware

4m 20s

11 ) TouchMix 8/16 Firmware v3.0

4m 25s

12 ) RTAs

5m 46s

13 ) Connecting to Wi-Fi

3m 34s

14 ) Feedback Wizard

5m 11s

15 ) Copy & Paste

3m 0s

16 ) TM-30 Pro: Overview

5m 42s

17 ) TM-30 Pro: DAW

4m 44s

18 ) TM-30 Pro: Patch Matrix

5m 37s

19 ) TM-30 Pro: Custom Fader Banks

1m 58s

20 ) TM-30 Pro: External Control

7m 31s

21 ) TM-30 Pro: Auto Mixer

9m 2s

22 ) TouchMix-30 Pro: Scenes, Snapshots and Cue Lists

14m 23s

23 ) TouchMix-30 Pro Control App: Offline Editing

6m 37s

24 ) Test Module For Automation

0m 0s

Video Transcript

Gain Wizard 3m 8s
Welcome back to the next installment of the TouchMix Training Series.
In this installment, we’ll be going over one of the more unique functions of the mixer, the Gain Wizard.
To access this function you just press the Wizard button on the mixer and Gain Wizard on the touchscreen.
But you might be asking, “Well what does it do?" Well during setup and sound check,
one of the first things to do is gain stage each input for optimum signal-to-noise ratio.
To do that, you would typically an instrument or a microphone to a channel input
and increase or decrease the analog gain trim to maximize that input’s signal, without clipping.
This adjustment is done on the preamp, before it makes it to the digital domain of the mixer.
But in reality, the levels of the sound check might not be the same as the live performance.
No matter how well-tuned the sound check goes, the excitement of the performance
might lead the musicians to push their levels further than expected.
If that happens, the signal is going to clip – causing distortion and other nasty sounds.
The mixer can’t automatically dial this down because the clipping is taking place
in analog before the mixer receives it.
If you’re engineering a live mix then you’ll see the clipping and you can dial it back down again.
However, many TouchMix users are the performers themselves,
and won’t be paying attention to the clip indicator during the set
because they’ve got more important things to do:
like entertaining the audience. Well that’s when you call on the Gain Wizard.
On your home fader screen, you’ll see your channel’s faders as well as the mini-faders at the top of the screen.
A channel’s meter will turn red momentarily when its channel is clipping,
but the mini-fader that represents that channel will stay red.
But that doesn’t tell you how much clipping there is or what to do about it.
What the Gain Wizard does is keep track of your channel inputs and tells you how severe the clipping is.
When you select the Gain Wizard you’ll see a representation of all of the input gain trim knobs,
any clipped input channels, and a meter indicating how many tick marks it recommends you turn one down.
Then all you have to do is adjust that trim knob manually to keep your channel from clipping
or suffering from distortion again during your set.
Tap the reset button to clear the indicators and you’re good to go.
If, during your performance, you ever see a red clip light on one of the main fader banks,
it’s a good idea to jump into the Gain Wizard to see how much you should trim back that input
to get it back under control. And just so you know,
if you ever want to clear those clip indicators from the mini-fader bank without going to the Gain Wizard,
simply go to your menu screen and tap Clear Clip. And that’s about it. No guessing required.
The Gain Wizard is just one more way that the TouchMix ensures you’ve got the perfect mix for your live event.
In the next installment, we’ll take a look at the Aux and Monitor settings.
So we’ll see you then.
You shall not pass audio. He’s a Wizard. Yeah, we got that.

Lesson Description

Gain Wizard 3m 8s

Learn how to use the Gain Wizard to automatically monitor your inputs for clipping.  Plus, we give you some pointers on how to properly adjust your preamp settings.