Q-SYS VisionSuite Training

Train on two fundamental Q-SYS VisionSuite technologies

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Intelligent audio-based PARTICIPANT switching (ACPR Commissioning)

Learn to configure the Q-SYS Automatic Camera Preset Recall (ACPR) plugin, which uses data from in-room microphones to automatically switch between in-room cameras and recalls the appropriate camera presets to keep participants in view for the far end audience.Z

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Intelligent video-based PRESENTER tracking (Seervision Commissioning)

Learn to configure Q-SYS Seervision technology, which leverages AI-driven computer vision-based scene analysis to deliver adaptive full-body presenter tracking that automatically follows and frames presenters.

Learn at your own pace, for your own business

Finish all four courses to complete your VisionSuite certification but you can start with either ACPR or Seervision courses depending on customers’ immediate needs.

Foundational Online Courses

Format: On-demand video + multiple choice assessments

AVIXA RU Credits: ACPR L1: 1.5 RU; Seervision L1: 1.0 RU

Prerequisite: Q-SYS Training Level 1

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Advanced Live Courses

Format: Live, in-person training, with a focus on real-world deployment, troubleshooting scenarios, and team learning

AVIXA RU Credits: ACPR L2: 1.5 RU; Seervision L2: 3.0 RU

Prerequisite: ACPR L1 / Seervision L1

Note: Availability is regionally dependent, so please check sign-up or contact your local Q-SYS representative for more details.

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Start your Q-SYS VisionSuite Training today.

Last modified: Tuesday, 23 July 2024, 3:31 AM
Last modified: Tuesday, 23 July 2024, 3:31 AM